Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Moving- Our New Adventure!

So I took a few days off blogging and writing because honestly we have been up to our heads in deep water.

For over a month now we have been fighting tooth and nail to process paperwork at an apartment complex because we need to vacate our current residence by October 1st.

Today being September 1st, we GOT OUR KEYS!

We are so excited. This is going to be a very interesting journey for my husband and I, as well as our son. For me I have lived away from only about 9 months during my first marriage. Even then I didn't have to worry about paying rent because he was in the military and they provided our housing allowance. When my husband moved out of his parents house it was into our current house which we live with my parents. Well my mom was here when she was alive.

For Lucas he has always had my parents and sister Catherine in his house. Now he is going to be moving into a two bedroom apartment with only Stephen and I.

Our luxury has been living next door to our church so Sunday mornings we could just walk over. Now we will have to drive.

We also get to learn a new town. I am semi familiar with the area out there. But there is still things to explore and find.

This is going to be a very exciting journey for us.

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