Tuesday, February 17, 2015

This Is What You Just Put In Your Mouth(Book Review)

Hey readers,

Hopefully I can get through this review easily. Currently only typing with 9 fingers as I somehow managed to slice my pinky open while getting out of the bath tub! Of course I would do something crazy like that just in time for having reviews and other things to write and type.

But, without further adieu, the latest book review.

The book for this review is

My first impression was that the book was packaged WAY wrong. It came in a medium sized box with three sheets of heavy duty bubble wrap. Way more than was needed to mail a book of this size or quality.

(As I write this, the light is also fading as my son has found the switch to the lamp in my bedroom, oh the joys of having children)

Mentioning my son, is one reason I did not like this book. I did not find the time to sit down and fully read this right away when it first came. 

When I did sit down and read it, I thought the book was going to be more "exposing" as to what is really in the products we use in everyday life, however upon further reading it simply is not.

To me the information provided in this books is extremely basic and I would not re-read this book or find any further joy from it. This was the first book from Blogging For Books that I generally disliked

My husband however found it interesting, so at least someone in the household got joy from it.

As always I received this book at no cost from Blogging For Books for review purpose. 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Love Without Limits (A BloggingForBooks Review)

Another month is upon us and that means time for yet another book review. This month is only six days in but it has been a doosy. My son turned a year old on the fourth and that has me looking back on the past year and seeing how much he has grown and changed, and how I as well have grown and changed not just as a parent, but as a person in general.

This month has also brought some tough family concerns to deal with. Nothing really that can be shared at the current time as we are all still trying to figure things out and just make things work with the help of God.

Speaking of God, that is the topic of this review. The book for this review is:
I was skeptical going into this book because faith or religious based books tend to be hit or miss with me. I either feel they get too preachy or quote the Bible too much. I have tried many times to take books out of our church or public library, only to get a few pages in and cast it aside because it was not as captivating as I thought it would be. 

This book however changed that for me. I got 16 pages in and I was HOOKED. I had never heard of Nick Vujicic before, but the story in this book written by himself and his wife Kanae, is to tell how they met each other and give some marriage advice. The book opened my eyes as to how I could be a better spouse to my own husband. As I read the book I realized that I often take my husband for granted. I know that he loves me and will always be by my side(In the early days of our relationship, when we were still dating, I was going through Chemotherapy for Hodgkin's Lymphoma and he was there at every session without batting an eyelash.). But I don't think I realized just how much I tend to yell without meaning to or take my frustrations out on him.

In the days since starting this book I have found myself, getting up and making his lunch for work without the usual moans and groans of doing so, going out to help him shovel snow when usually I would use the excuse of having to stay in with our son(thanks mom for watching him so I could do that) and just spending more time cuddling in general.

In truth this book helped my marriage. We were at the grocery store this past evening. My husband was at the bank depositing his paycheck while I walked around shopping for groceries. I found myself longing just to see him. The ache was the same as the one I had in the early stages of our relationship. When I would say goodbye to him when seeing him in person, or goodnight on Skype. I longed just to see his face and hear his voice.

The other night after our son fell asleep early, with two hours till my husband had to be at work, we popped a DVD in and just cuddled on the couch. Something we haven't done in quite awhile. Parenting has tired us out and my husband and I working opposite shifts has not helped either. 

Furthermore, the book was so helpful and insightful that I went on Amazon and purchased three more of Nick's books that I very much look forward to reading.

Thank You Nick for writing such an inspirational story and helping me in ways I could never have imagined.

As always I recieved this book from Blogging for Books for this review!