Take a moment while reading this sentence and think to yourself of the number 5.2 million. That is the number of people that Alzehimer's has taken hold of. That number doesn't even take into a count the friends and family of the loved ones that are face with becoming caregivers to the person they love that is stricken with the disease.
I was introduced to the book "Before I Forget" by B. Smith and Dan Gasby. I love reading memoirs. But this one really takes the cake. Not only does the book give you a memoir into how Alzehimer's came about to affect their family, but it provides you with facts.
I love that this book gives you a mix of tips for dealing with the disease, but also the true account of a family going through it. To be placed in the role of a caregiver is not an easy thing. Especially when dealing with a disease that currently has no cure, only things that can help "manage" it.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review."
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