Sunday, April 2, 2017

Talking with God

This week has been a challenging week for me. Work, son school schedule, husbands work schedule, cleaning household, just all the little things that add up to my daily and weekly to do lists. Lately I have been adding another one....devotionals and prayer.

I have always been a church person. My parents brought me when I was little, I went through confirmation, and I have regularly attended church for the past few years as a Nursery/Preschool Sunday School Teacher. I have faithfully brought my son to church, even when he was only 5 years old. I have participated in church lead bible studies, but recently I found myself needing more.

I have become obsessed lately with planners. I have one as my main one that tracks everyone's schedule, appointments, bills to pay, meal plans. I have one that lives in my purse for on the go planning. I have one that is a memory planner I am starting to keep track of the things I do during my 28th year. The last one is my Faith Planner.

I saw a lot of people in a planner group on Facebook talking about their faith planner. From there I found another planner group based on having a faith planner. When I first started setting up my faith planner I wasn't sure how I was going to use it. So far for the month of April, it has become a daily prayer journal. I am following daily prompts and writing down a prayer for each day.

It was also in that Faith Planning group that I was introduced to this book:

The book is written by Adam Weber, founder and lead pastor of Embrace, a church that has six campuses in two states. 

When I first saw the book being posted in the Faith planning group I became torn. I felt as if God was telling me to read it because in my current devotional that I am working with, the theme of this week was praying for your kids. But church and spiritual books are hit or miss for me. I don't like ones that are overly preachy and just quote book after book from the bible. If I wanted to read about book after book, I would pick up my bible. 

When I logged onto my Blogging for Books account to select my next review copy, I scrolled through all the sections and BAM! Right there in front of my eyes available for review was "Talking With God." I ordered the copy and I am so glad I did.

The book arrived on a day when I was having the WORST day. My son was throwing tantrums all day long, fighting me on going to school, it was raining, my mood was down, the mail sucked(I was expecting something, but all that showed up was junk). When I went to our apartment office to pickup packages, SURPRISE, my review book was here.

I dove right into the book that night and fell deeply in love. The book is not preachy like I feared it would be. It's a mix of relate-able stories from Adam's life, as well as stories from the bible. It teaches you that life is crazy, and prayer is SIMPLE. It doesn't have to be a perfect string of words that you utter or something similar to a sonnet from Shakespeare. Your prayers can be just as simple as saying "Lord, thank you for this day."

If you are searching for a book that helps you to pray, even if you regularly do so, I would recommend this 10/10 times.

I recieved this book, from Blogging For Books, in exchange for my honest review.

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