The world we live in is a crazy place. We have some people who are so rich, a dollar bill is like a sheet of toliet paper for them. While to other people that dollar bill is the last thing that is keeping them from being completly broke. There are families who complain about eatting leftovers when there are people who would love to have enough leftover just to have a second helping.
I myself am victim of having way more than I could ever imagine. I have a roof over my head, shoes to put on my feet, clothes to put on my back, and enough food that I dont go to bed hungry. I have luxuries like a cell phone, internet and cable, a desktop computer, a laptop, an iPod, a Kindle and the support of family and friends.
At the same time I have all this, I have friends that are struggling in life just to get those nesseities like food and clothes. When I think about them I often just want to take all my own possesions and get rid of them to give them to those that really need it more than I do. I want SOOOOOO badly to not lose great friends because they are at the point where if they dont sell their computer, the only contact option they have left after already having to cancel their phone service, just to make ends meet and get food on the table for as long as the money allows it.
This saddens my heart because looking at my own life without my computers or internet half the things that I do would not get accomplished. I am finishing my BA in Early Childhood Education online. I need internet to connect to my classroom and a computer to do it on. The computer also has to have Microsoft Word so that I can type discussion postings and papers. My computer also functions as a connection to Facebook and Plurk which I use to keep up with family and friends who are all over the U.S and even some in other countries and continets. My computers also allow me to volunteer to help friends out with the business they run and it gives me the ability to do all that by working on things at home where I am have my own responsiblities to take care of.
I look at joy my computer brings me and as I type this I am in great reflection. My fingers have glided over these keys so many times for a number of things. There were times I used these keys to post Facebook status, do homework, talk to a friend in need, talk with family, but most of all these keys have been used to write some of the most special things in my life. I have written stories, poems, songs that I have posted or simply stored in a folder on my computer for my eyes only. These keys have felt sorrow that I have felt I could tell no-one.
I end this post by saying this:
Take a look around at all that you own and find something in your life that is special to you. Something you hold the most strongest connection to, that you would NEVER want to give up! Reflect on it and Thank the world for allowing you the oppertunity to have it.
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